It looks like most of the alt coins track bitcoin, broadly speaking. One might wonder if any of the altcoins are designed to be more adoptable as currency than bitcoin (anybody old enough to remember betamax vs VHS will know what I'm talking about here) and would have a chance of passing up bitcoin in adoption over the long run. I really think it's way too early to tell, and that would make them unsafe (among other reasons that they might be).
That said, any kind of investment is a risk vs. reward proposition. You're not going to see big appreciation without big risk. People who want to be safe buy treasuries.
Watch enough blogs, news op-eds, etc. etc. (and yes, forums) and you'll hear that bitcoin is also a shitcoin in a lot of people's opinion. I don't pay a lot of attention to the debate because it's all unfounded opinion at this point - around 7 or 8 billion people in the world and they all have opinions about something, so they're pretty cheap.