What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin (₿) is a crptocurrencies. It could be defined as digitalized currency that is decentralized. Meaning is a currency that transact without a central bank.
It runs as an administrative process of peer to peer transaction.
Bitcoins are divided into subunit.
¹/1000 millibitcoin
¹/100000000. Satoshi
Bitcoin originator Satoshi Nakamoto delivered a white paper on Bitcoin peer to peer electronic cash system on 9 January 2009.
Transaction performed on Bitcoin are verified by network nodes through a simulating cryptographic system and are verified through a distributed ledger called blockchain.
Bitcoins initially was created as a reward for a process refered to as mining.
Mining is a record-keeping service performed prior through the use of computer processing power. Mining still goes on but now you could exchange other currencies like the U.S dollars, British pounds to Bitcoin, including products and services.
Research shows that as back as 2017 that between 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users are using crptocurrencies and majority of the Crypto currency used is Bitcoin.
Since it's inception Bitcoins has been praised and also criticize.
Those leading the pack in Bitcoins criticism is China that outlaw Bitcoins since 5 December 2013 another criticism is levelled that Bitcoins use more electricity, but kudos has been given to Bitcoin by investors, buy the criticism and outlawment does not stop the growth of Bitcoin from 10,000 Bitcoins to buying of 2 pieces of papa John pizza's to a fluctuation price of $13000 for just a Bitcoin.
Though this price fluctuate between $9000-$13000 because of the covid 19 pandemic.
What are you own little summary and analysis of Bitcoin from inception, putting into consideration the exponential growth from inception.