Hello how is today's trade, I hope fine, now have you wondered what was going through the mind of Satoshi Nakamoto when Bitcoin was created.

We all know vividly that all currencies are backed up by Countries and administered by Central Bank world over.

But Bitcoin is a currency without regulation, that is out of the radar of monopolization like the normal conventional currency does, a currency this is not printed, a currency that can not be instigated to rise like the federal reserve does occasionally on the U.S dollars or a currency manipulated to be on a decline mode like the Republic of China does to the Yuan, crypto currency is quite heroic.

Bitcoins is a heroic invention, is a non bloody revolutionization of the the conventional currency. Is a people's currency that is backed by pure demand and Supply.

Bitcoins is a people oriented currency and Cryptocurrencies is the only currencies in the world that can be mined and received.

Phylosophy behind Bitcoins.

Yes Bitcoin had a foundation and it could be traced down to Austrian School of Economics expecially with Friedrich Von Hayek in his legendary book Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined, in this book Friedrich was in complete advocation of free market in the production, distribution and management of money to end the monopolization of central bank.

Those who have back Bitcoin since inception are the libertarians and anarchist.

Hello dear in summary.

The internet age was a total revolution. A revolution in all Spectre of our life, in the way we do business, connecting with friends and family, in the area of financial transaction and research has shown that revolution in financial derivatives can't be completed with invention of currency that is internet base, some refer Bitcoin as virtual currency, I buy the concept to some extent as Bitcoin is not tangible, I mean it can't be touched like paper currencies but Bitcoin is real.

Crptocurrencies is the future in currency utilization, after all Central Bank around the world have been advocating for cashless economy to reduce the amount spent on printing of paper currencies and I presume crptocurrencies expecially Bitcoin is a benchmark on that perspective of cashless economy. Cheers. 🙏.