Quote Originally Posted by Alexthedefender04 View Post
I will try to add frequently multiple actualizations and additional information to this thread about the transaction types, starting from the oldest one and pushing forward to the latest developments. I didn't know or haven't expected that this subject will be so comprehensive and I had to skip a lot of useful information about particular addresses to keep the OP in interesting form which is not too long, because as we know, long once tire the reader very quickly and do not work as well as much shorter and more compressed articles.

If there are any questions about the addresses or suggestions regarding the thread itself, please be so kind and let me know in the comments. I will try to answer all questions and frequently update the thread with additional info, like: how the particular scripts look like, how they look like, are built or how many transactions from each kind we have actually? As I said before there are hundreds of topics to discuss regarding Bitcoin addresses.
This would be really helpful. I hope you could really update the thread with new developments as it would really aid our new members in understanding Bitcoin more deeply.