To avoid a critical failure, every once in while you just have to give yourself a break and do something that's radically different from what you've been doing before.
Since St. Valentine's Day (traditionally celebrated on February 14th in many countries around the world) is almost upon us, the first thing that comes to mind is love.
That's right, this is exactly the advice we give our clients – love, seek and find, be inspired and enjoy the feeling. We hope you agree that it's hard to come up with another, more colorful thing in our lives that would give it so much momentum and power. St. Valentine's Day is no doubt one of the most beautiful, romantic and very moving holidays. It can motivate us to show our close ones more love and care, the feelings we often neglect amidst our daily bustle. We say you begin this special day with simple words and actions, like:
Tell your loved one – or just a close one – how strongly you love them.
Tell them how much you need them, too – that's a must.
Hug them for all it's worth and hold them for at least a minute.
Give them a present that's worth more to the soul than to the pocket.
And hug them again.
Believe us, this would transform you and others. You can take it to the bank!